Level of Resilience, Psychological Well-Being, Resilient AdultsAbstract
Background: The heightened attention and understanding, which defines the Level of Resilience, and its considerable usefulness for promoting better Psychological Well-Being among Adults (Harding et al., 2019). Resilience is a personality trait that moderates stress and enhances adaptability, enabling individuals to cope with challenges without resorting to harmful behaviors. Resilient individuals manage emotions effectively, maintain a positive outlook, and use problem-solving skills to address adversity. This trait contributes significantly to Psychological Well-Being by improving emotional health, adaptability, and interpersonal relationships, while also supporting physical health and achievement. Age Factor also play a significant role in betterment of Psychological Well-Being (PWB) among Adults. The current research asses the importance of Level of Resilience (LoR) and Age Factor in mitigating stress and promoting Psychological Well-Being (PWB) among Pakistani adults.
Objective: The current study aims to examine the impact of the Level of Resilience (LoR) and Age Factor on the Psychological Well-Being (PWB) (according to Ryff’s (1989) perspective of Six Dimensions of Psychological Well-Being) in a sample of 193 Pakistani adults aged range from 18 to 35 [Male (m): 97 and Female (f): 96] coming from diverse educational or professional backgrounds. The current study aims to answer the following research questions in context Pakistani adults: RQ1- Is there a significant relationship between the Level of Resilience (LoR), Age Factor and Overall Psychological Well-Being (PWB)? RQ2- Is there a significant relationship between the Level of Resilience (LoR), Age Factor and all Six Dimensions of Psychological Well-Being (PWB)? RQ3- Whether the Level of Resilience (LoR) and Age Factor Impacts Overall Psychological Well-Being (PWB)? RQ4- Whether the Level of Resilience (LoR) and Age Factor Impacts all Six Dimensions of Psychological Well-Being (PWB)?
Methods: The current study employ Cross-sectional survey method for data collection study, which means data is collected at one specific point in time from participants using Demographic Information Form to collect Socio-Demographic characters of participants such as Age Factor, Gender, Questionnaires such as the Brief Resilience Scale (6-Items) (Smith et al., 2008) to measure the Level of Resilience (LoR) and Psychological Well-Being Scale (42-Items) (Ryff & Keyes, 1995) to measure Psychological Well-Being (PWB) of participants. Descriptive Statistics was run in SPSS to assess Socio-Demographic Information of Participants, Pearson Product Correlation of SPSS 2022 for analyzing association and Multiple Linear Regression Test to assist the impact of the Level of Resilience, Age Factor on Psychological Well-Being among Adults.
Results: Findings indicated that Level of Resilience is a Significant Positive Predictor for overall Psychological Well-Being of adults and also for it’s Core Six-Dimensions especially for Autonomy and Environmental Mastery. Furthermore, Age Factor is week Predictor for Overall Psychological Well-Being of Adults and Age Factor has no significant correlation with Purpose in Life-Dimension of Psychological Well-Being and Positive Relations with Others appears to be significantly correlated with Age in Six Dimensions of Psychological Well-Being (PWB).
Conclusion: Current research significantly contributes to literature for future researches in context of Psychological Well-Being and Level of Resilience of Pakistani adults, because limited literature is available on this topic. Current research can facilitate researcher who are keenly interested in developing Resilience-Focused techniques to address psychopathology and promotes Psychological Well-Being among adults by providing an insightful literature about this association.

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