Introduction, Neglected Factors of IRD, Research Methodology and Research Gaps etc.Abstract
World peace refers to a state of harmony, absence of conflict, and cooperation among nations and people worldwide. It signifies a condition where there is no war, violence, or hostility between countries or communities, fostering mutual respect, understanding, and collaboration to ensure the well-being and prosperity of all individuals on a global scale. The number of activities that are expressly linked to the concept of interreligious dialogue has dramatically increased over the past two decades. Empirical study efforts around the globe highlight the development of extremely complicated local settings for these kinds of activities. It is possible to see a noticeable rise in discussion of organizations, particularly at the national level. These organizations may be the result of state initiatives or involvement from religious clergies, monks or friars etc. Moreover, as a result of these developments, interreligious dialogue has grown up significantly on the world political agenda. It is no longer limited to certain professionals from International organizations with a religious affiliation. Therefore, organizations and religious leaders of state have placed religious dialogue on their priorities at their extent. (The Challenge of Interreligious Dialogue" by Paul F. Knitter - Explores the challenges and opportunities in engaging in interreligious dialogue in a pluralistic world and understanding)The construct of contemporary research is the evolution of what is usually referred to as the Interreligious Dialogue Connotation. The most comprehensive history of interreligious dialogue, written by Jean-Claude Basset in 1996, provides a detailed account of more than a century's worth of projects and organizations that have promoted communication, with a focus on their conceptual advancements. On the contrary end of the spectrum, Catherine Cornille recently released the first comprehensive handbook in the subject that combines case studies on the development of interreligious dialogue with conceptual discussion, because no peace among the nations without peace among the religions. No peace among the religions without dialogue among the religions. (The XIVth Dalai Lama) The idea that underlies the majority of those evaluations is expressed briefly by Catherine Cornille in the opening remarks of her Companion to Interreligious Dialogue. The idea of dialogue has been used more frequently to describe the ideal connection between religions from the middle of the20th century. Religions have typically evolved to have a more accommodative and positive attitude among people, cooperating in social developments and substituting perspectives on communal religious issues, as opposed to fighting with each other for territories, converts, or claims. (Interreligious Dialogue: Twenty Years On" by Leonard Swidler Reflects on the development and challenges faced in interreligious dialogue two decades after the Vatican II Council.)
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